(Adelaide) The Literacies of Maths
The Literacies of Maths and how they impact on reading, writing and solving maths word questions.
- Teachers of Years 2 – 6
- Maths Literacies
- Word Problems
Attendees will partipate in a series of practical hands-on tasks designed to improve mathematical literacies. Improving these literacies will help students solve word questions. Some NAPLAN-style word questions will be used to illustrate key ideas.
Note: this session will touch on – but not deal in depth with – the structures underpinning how word questions are written.
Attendees receive a copy of Paul’s “My Word Book: Mathematics”
Wednesday 26th of February 2025
9:00am – 3:30pm
SPELD SA Shop 8 /715 South Road Black Forest SA
Members: $308.25
Non-members: $325
Register at: