
Nov 05 2020


All Day

BUNBURY, WA: 3 Session Day

Most schools follow a lesson structure where lessons begin with some form of warm up followed by ‘letting the children in on the secret’ as to what the lesson is about. In addition teachers often ‘tune students into the words that will come up during the lesson.

In these sessions Paul will focus on those vital first ten minutes of a lesson where warm ups fit. He will explain the three different types of Warm up. Yesterday, today and tomorrow. He will then share some simple warmups using simple material that also may be differentiated
The other sessions are still TBA, but they will likely be:
  • Making the most of Maths Games
  • The Literacies of Maths

email [email protected] for more information & to register with them.


South Bunbury Primary School
South Bunbury Primary School, Bunbury

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