
Apr 16 2021


12:30 pm - 2:30 pm

(Bunbury) Paul Swan’s Greatest Hits in Mathematics Workshop

oin us for a practical “hands-on” Mathematics workshop with the states leading Mathematics specialist, author and highly sought after speaker.

There are several lists of High Impact Teaching Strategies (HITS). In this session, Paul will share his greatest HITS for Mathematics that will have the greatest impact on your student’s learning of mathematics.

A variety of simple tasks involving basic equipment will be used to illustrate HIT singles from the album of greatest HITS. The tasks will apply over a range of Year levels 1-6.

Note: This is part of a larger full day workshop that will hopefully be offered in the South West later this year.

Dr Paul Swan will inspire confidence as he demonstrates how mathematics can be used in an ‘engaging and empowering way’ within the classroom to foster high quality teaching best practices.


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