KenKen Tournament

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Have you been using KenKen? It’s been quite popular since our first post about it.

We have a great introductory booklet on how to use this fun mathematical puzzle.

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If this is your first time hearing about KenKen then there’s no time better than now than to learn the game. KenKen has earned a place in a number of newspapers and puzzle books including a new puzzle published daily in the Sydney Morning Herald.

Ian from KenKen Australia has also organized a local KenKen Tournament with Local and National finals leading into the KenKen International Tournament! In the past Ian has helped sponsor young Australian puzzle-crackers to enter the Finals in New York, USA.

More information can be found here:

For daily KenKen puzzles see here:

If you’re itching for more, there are KenKen puzzle books on the KenKen Australia website (Note: we have no financial affiliation with KenKen, we just really like the puzzles!)