Card Capers

$19.00$129.00 inc. GST


This book makes use of ordinary playing cards in games and activities to promote mathematical thinking. The games are simple to play and children will be able to play them in a matter of minutes. Cards are such a readily available resource that many schools are using these books as part of a take-home mathematics programme.

Topics covered include number, space and probability, with a strong emphasis on mental computation and problem solving throughout. Photocopiable and contains clear instructions to help get your students thinking and learning

Card Capers Book
Australian Curriculum Links
AC Links Mathematics concept
Yr 5: ACMMG114 Recognising line symmetry and rotational symmetry.
Yr 4: ACMNA075
Yr 4: ACMNA076 Calculating the total numbers of symbols in a deck of 52 cards.
Yr 3: ACMSP067
Yr 5: ACMSP116 Investigating the probability of certain outcomes (colours, suits) appearing when cutting a deck of cards.
Yr 2: ACMNA030 Investigating the commutative property of addition by adding numbers 1-9 in rows of 3 and comparing the totals.
Yr 2: ACMNA030
Yr 3: ACMNA054 Arranging cards of value 1-10 to generate equivalent sums (each side of a rectangle has the same sum).
Yr 2: ACMSP049
Yr 3: ACMSP069 Classifying playing cards according to different and shared attributes using Venn diagrams and grids.
Yr 2: ACMNA030
Yr 3: ACMNA055 Investigating how many different sums using 2 numbers are possible from a total of 4 numbers.
Problem Solving Investigating how to arrange cards in an array to comply with certain rules regarding card appearances in rows and columns.
Problem Solving Rearranging playing cards whilst complying with placement rules regarding relative size of numbers.
Yr 3: ACMNA054 Arranging playing cards in an array such that the sums of rows, columns and diagonals are even.
Problem Solving Using multiple clues regarding suit, number, colour and position to determine the arrangement of three hidden cards.
Yr F: ACMNA289
Yr 1: ACMNA013 Judging the relative magnitude of two numbers (which is bigger).
Yr F: ACMNA002
Yr 1: ACMNA013 Reading and matching numerals 1-9.
Yr 1: ACMNA013 Arranging four numbers in ascending order.
Yr F: ACMNA289
Yr 1: ACMNA013 Matching numbers which differ by one or two in value.
Yr 2: ACMNA030
Yr 3: ACMNA055 Adding strings of single-digit numbers in order to reach a given total.
Yr 2: ACMNA030
Yr 3: ACMNA055 Adding strings of single-digit numbers.
Yr 2: ACMNA030
Yr 3: ACMNA054
Yr 3: ACMNA055 Adding two single-digit numbers, and identifying pairs of numbers which add to a given total.
Yr 3: ACMNA053 Allocating digits to places in order to produce the number with the highest value.
Yr 3: ACMNA055
Yr 3: ACMNA056
Yr 4: ACMNA074
Yr 4: ACMNA075 Adding a string of single-digit numbers.  Identifying when the running total is a multiple of a given single-digit number.
Yr 3: ACMNA055
Yr 3: ACMNA056
Yr 4: ACMNA075 Multiplying two single-digit numbers.
Adding two single-digit numbers.
Yr 2: ACMNA028
Yr 2: ACMNA030
Yr 3: ACMNA055 Allocating places to digits in order to generate two, two-digit numbers whose sum is closest to a target number.
Yr 4: ACMNA076
Yr 5: ACMNA100 Multiply three one-digit numbers.  Reinforces commutative property of multiplication (numbers can be multiplied in any order).
Add three one-digit numbers.
Yr 4: ACMNA075
Yr 3: ACMNA055 Multiplying two single-digit numbers.
Adding two-digit and single-digit numbers. Comparing the size of the results.
Yr 3: ACMNA055
Yr 3: ACMNA056
Yr 4: ACMNA075 Use any combination of the four operations on three single-digit numbers in order to reach a given total.
Yr 4: ACMNA075 Identify two single-digit numbers which generate a given product.
Yr 3: ACMNA053 Using place value knowledge to transform a given four-digit number into another in which one digit differs, by using addition or subtraction.
Yr 3: ACMNA055 Operating upon strings of numbers using addition and subtraction in order to reach the highest single-digit total.  Adding strings of single-digit numbers.

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