Geoboard Gems

$19.00$129.00 inc. GST


This book links elements to the Australian Curriculum with the use of a Geoboard to develop many geometry and measurement concepts. Explore the following mathematics concepts with geoboards and the aid of this book:

Shape: Properties of shape, angle, similarity and congruence
Location: Position co-ordinates
Transformation: Reflection rotation and translation
Perimeter and area

This book explains how to get the most from a Geoboard. Geoboards provide the opportunity to explore geometry and measurement concepts, with a little algebra thrown in.

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Geoboard Gems
Australian Curriculum Links
Yr2: ACMMG042 Children will be become familiar with the language of geometry as applied to the creating of 2D shapes. Describe and draw two-dimensional shapes.
Yr2: ACMMG042
Yr 4: ACMMG089
Geometeric Reasoning Children will be become familiar with the language of geometry, including angles, as applied to the creating of 2D shapes.
Compare angles and classify them as equal to, greater than or less than a right angle.
Problem Solving and Reasoning Problem Solving and Reasoning are two of the process strands and involve students working in a logical manner to solve problems.
Yr2: ACMMG042
Yr 4: ACMMG089
Yr 7: ACMMG165
Geometric Reasoning
Problem Solving and Reasoning Describe and draw triangles identifying key features of triangles.
Compare angles and classify them as equal to, greater than or less than a right angle.
Identifying side and angle properties of scalene, isosceles, right-angled and obtuse-angled triangles.
Yr 7: ACMMG165
Geometric Reasoning
Problem Solving and Reasoning Describe and draw two-dimensional shapes, identifying key features of squares, rectangles, kites, rhombi …
Classify triangles according to their side and angle properties and describe quadrilaterals, describe squares, rectangles, rhombi, parallelograms, kites and trapeziums.
Yr 7: ACMMG165
Geometric Reasoning
Problem Solving and Reasoning Describe and draw two-dimensional shapes, identifying key features.
Yr 4 –
Geometric Reasoning
Problem Solving and Reasoning Developing geometric language and setting criteria for various figures.
Yr 5: ACMNA107
Yr 6: ACMNA133 Describe, continue and create patterns resulting from addition and subtraction.
Continue and create sequences. Describe the rule used to create the pattern. Additive and multiplicative patterns.
Yr 4: ACMMG087
Yr 5: ACMMG109
Yr 7: ACMMG159 Areas of regular and irregular shapes , eg by counting the number of square centimetres required to cover areas.
Calculate the perimeter and area of rectangles.
Developing the formulas for areas of rectangles, triangles and parallelograms. Using the relationship between the area of rectangles and triangles to develop the formula for the area of triangles.
Problem Solving and Reasoning Problem Solving and Reasoning are two of the process strands and involve students working in a logical manner to solve problems.
Yr 9: ACMMG222 Investigate Pythagoras’ Theorem.
Yr 6: ACMNA125 Compare fractions with related denominators.
Yr 5: ACMNA101 Understanding that Pythagoras’ Theorem is a useful tool in determining unknown lengths in right-angled triangles and has widespread applications.

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