Beginner Bingo is a simplified form of Bingo designed for younger children. Beginner Bingo cards only have 6 items on each page.
To play, hand out one board to each player (designed for groups of 3 to 6, but we have included a differentiation for a whole-class version). Then simply flick the spinner or roll the dice* and cover the appropriate item on the board with a counter or mark.
Includes 16 Bingo activities:
- Beginner Bingo – Colours
- Beginner Bingo – 2D Shape
- Beginner Bingo – 3D Objects
- Beginner Bingo – Counting Coins
- Beginner Bingo – Time to the Hour
- Beginner Bingo – Time to the Half Hour (and Hour)
- Beginner Bingo – Time to the Half Hour
- Beginner Bingo – Time to the Quarter Hour
- Beginner Bingo – Missing Number
- Beginner Bingo – Early Number
- Beginner Bingo – Recognising Coins
- Beginner Bingo – Recognising Notes and Gold Coins
- Beginner Bingo – Subitising
- Beginner Bingo – Teens Tens Frames
- Beginner Bingo – Ten Frames
- Beginner Bingo – Two Digit Place Value
Each game includes:
- 6 Game boards
- Spinners (multiple variations)
- Pocket Dice Inserts (multiple variations)
- A Blank Game board template (for making your own)
- A Spinner templates (for making your own)
- A Pocket Dice template (for making your own)