Valued at $55 if purchased separately
- 3 Sets of Flash Cards for NAPLAN 3
- 3 Sets of Flash Cards for NAPLAN 5
- 3 Sets of Flash Cards for NAPLAN 7
- 9 Sets of Flash Cards taken from all wordlists from Year 1.
- 9 Sets of Flash Cards taken from all wordlists from Year 2.
- 10 Sets of Flash Cards taken from all wordlists from Year 3.
- 10 Sets of Flash Cards taken from all wordlists from Year 4.
- 10 Sets of Flash Cards taken from all wordlists from Year 5.
- 10 Sets of Flash Cards taken from all wordlists from Year 6.
Download is available after checkout (and is also emailed – download within 30 days)
Note: Some word lists will be naturally dense / sparse depending on concept and year level.