2019 Storeroom Award – Winners

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Thank you to everyone who entered

One thing I don’t miss from my time as a classroom teacher (other than reports of course) is the trek to the storeroom and ten minutes of searching for something only to find it (or a part of it) has disappeared into some corner of another teacher’s class.

Many people had a stab at guessing how many tapes there were in this tub, with estimates ranging from 30 to 270!

In the end, Angela was the closest guessing 125, because as we found out (the hard way by unwinding all of them!) there were 127 tapes in the box.

Monique from Harrisdale PS sent in their efficient management system that even sports different coloured magnets for different resource types

Jess from St John Bosco College in Piara Waters showed off her school storeroom’s library style borrowing system. There are little pictures of what should be in each place on the shelves and little nametags to know who has checked out what.

Melissa from Greenwood PS sent through their organisation which has all similar content near each other as well as having everything grouped by year level.

The Best Storeroom Winner Is… I couldn’t pick between these three top entries, so you all win a 5 book pack.
The Best Transformation Is…

Emma shared her school’s brilliant storeroom makeover.

Thank you to everyone who participated!