Originally developed to help parents at home with their kids, these have also found a place in the classroom for many teachers or as a way to help keep parents on the same page.
Each card has an explanation of a piece of the curriculum and an activity you can try.
For example, what does it mean when the curriculum says “recall”? What’s classified as “very simple” addition? Download and find out!
Please note this is just our interpretation and recommendations. Created with the ACARA Australian Curriculum: Mathematics under Creative Commons License.
Note: Although we have put the entries of the Australian Curriculum in one box each, they are not equal in terms of their importance or the amount of time needed to provide an understanding. Some entries will only need one of two learning sessions. Others will benefit from more, and need re-visiting a number of times throughout the year. Some entries, after an initial learning session, can be given incidental mention as the occasion arises. Teachers will use their professional judgements when deciding how long to allow for each of the entries; often combining some of them within one or more learning sessions.