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More than a simple catalogue, this is a resources guide!

Reading and Interpreting ‘NAPLAN Style’ Word Problems: A Few Tips (page 3)

PL Philosophy and Options (page 6)

What’s New on the Website in 2023 (page 8)

The Behind the Scenes of Bond Blocks (page 10)

From Vocabulary to Problem Solving Poster & Relevant Resources (Pages 12 – 15)

Getting Set up for Warm Ups (pages 16 – 19)


A.C. Version 9 Says:

Recognise, represent and order numbers to at least 120 using physical and virtual materials, numerals, number lines and charts.

What this means

Developing an understanding of magnitude; which is bigger.
Recognise; students can read numbers (e.g. 72 as seventy two).
Represent; first use materials (sticks, blocks, etc.), grouping them in tens and ones. Students can answer questions like: “What numbers come before and after 29?” and “Which is bigger, 42 or 24?”

Students hear teachers use the vocabulary and see the words in written form.

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